811 Oceanview Drive
Degrau NL. A0N 1T1
Office Tel.: 709-272-2085
Email: office.bfngov@gmail.com
Website: www.benoitfirstnation.ca
Facebook Mi'kmaw Centre Page
Hours of Operation: Mon - Fri 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.
All training must be drug free. Smoking (including E-cigs) is not permitted in the building or outside within 9 meters of any entrance/ exit.(outside and behind building only) We promote a friendly spiritual, and family orientation environment free of harrassment of any kind. We have a zero tolerance policy .
All must Read, understand and follow rules and protocols posted Email: office.bfngov@gmail.com
Website: http://www.benoitfirstnation.ca
Disclaimer: Benoit First Nation is a totally independent regional Lnu'k/Mi'kmaq Band in Ktaqamkuk.
No monies are ever kept at the Centre... Security Cameras monitoring site.
Workers Training Centre:
Symbolism of the Benoit clan flag
Lnu'k/Mi'kmaq rules of Protocol
Lnu'k/Mi'kmaq rules of Ethics & Principles
Training and Innovation Centre
Penwaaq L nuk
Copyright © Benoit First Nation