Visting our Elders 2016
Welcome to our book portal
Penwaaq L'nu'k
Our books showcase our people, our history, our values and our strenght and respect. These books have been a realization of a vision Sagmaw had to see our stories printed in books to share.
We hope you will enjoy our books of non-fiction as well as our fiction. Honour our Ancestors and Honouring our History are a collection of history, folklore, images and tidbits of information from the area.
We would like to thank all our supporters, our community, our elders, our band council and all thos ewho have requested books.
Sagmaw realizes vision of publishing local stories and history
Penwaaq L'nu'k
Through our stories and our histories we will preserve them for future generations.
Kluskap's Trail is our young reader book that is very popular

Our two fiction books, First Contact and Second Contact shares our imagination which still showcasing our culture and traditions.
Our Portraits coffee table photo book shows some of our oldests and rarest phtots from our region.
Penwaaq L'nu'k Mawio'mi 2023 was fover immortalized in a photo book that has been added to thios collection. Our books are available ay at the band office and online from Amazon. This particular book will also be soon available at Arlins in Stephenville, NL.