Western Port au Port Peninsula, Newfoundland
Kwesowaak, Pukt aq Pukt Kwe’sawe’k, Ktaqamkuk, traditional land of the Mi'kmaq
J Benoit
Commissioner of Oaths
Marriage Commissioner
Safety Advisor
Reports to the Band Council
Kitpu Language Centre
Reports to MHRRA
Janice B
Accounting, Payroll, and Tourism Coordinator
Band cards Clerk
Commissioner of Oaths
Mariage License Issurer
Reports to CE0-Vice-Chief Logistics Office
Food bank Manager L Kerfont...........709-272-2085 wikuom
Food Bank operations
Food Bank Inventory
Reports to CE0-Vice-Chief
Ashley D - Funding procurement
Grant application development and submissions
General Admin
Reports to CEO
Funding procurement
Grant application development and submissions
Reports to CEO
Land Claims
Barbra B
Advisor to the Executive
Reports to the Executive
Band mailing address:
Contact emails
As protected under section 35 of the Canadian Constitution, we are the land rights holders, we provide Mi'kmaw regional governance serving the Benoit First Nation communuties of the Loop and Abraham's Cove, including Cape St George, Mainland, Three Rock Cove, Lourdes, Winterhouses, Black Duck Brook, West Bay, Piccadilly, Ship Cove, Lower Cove, Sheaves Cove, Marches Point, Red Brook, and Degrau.
Copyright © Benoit First Nation